Anesthesia & L. Scope
Dressing & Tissue Forceps
Dermatology Hygiene
Haemostatic Forceps
Intestine, Stomach & Rectum
Kidney Instruments
Mouth & Tongue
Suture & Needle Holders
Neurosurgery Laminectomy
Plaster of Paris Instruments
Scalpel Knives
Sterilizing Aids
Splinter Forceps
Towel Clamps
Trocars Puncture Needles
Tubing Clamps
Urology Instruments
Vats Biopsy Forceps
Vats Lung Graspers
Vats Forceps
Vats Needle Holders
Vats Scissors
Vats Knot Pushers
Vats Suction
Vats Suture Pullers & Cutters
Vats Chest Tube Passers
Clamps & Dissectors
Extracting Forcpes
Impression Trays
Endodontic Instruments
Orthodontic Instruments
Needle Holders
Orthodontic Pliers
Mouth Mirror & Handles
Deluxe Orthodontic Pliers
Periodontal Curettes
Wax, Porcelain & Cement Inst.
Bone Curettes
Bone Files
Bone Chisels
Amalgam Carrier
Aspirating Syringes
Matrix Retainers
Rubber Dam Instruments
Suture Forceps
Suture Forceps and Strabismus Forceps
Strabismus,Muscle and Advancement Forceps
Muscle,Advancement and Entropium Forceps
Anterior Chamber and Iris Forceps
Iris Forceps
Iris, Fixation and Capsular Forceps
Capsular Forceps
Capsular Forceps and Erisiphakes
Trochoma and Chalazion Forceps
Instruments For Radial Keratotomy
Fixation and Tissue Forceps
Suture and Tissue Forceps
Fixation, Tissue and Watchmaker Forceps
Ligature Needles
Eye Speculas
Lid Retractors
Eye Knives
Keratomes, Various Eye knives
Various Eye knives
Various Eye Knives and Discission Needle
Foreign Body Instruments Cystotomes
Hooks And Locators
Fixation Claws And Hooks
Hooks Protectors And Spatulas
Lens Expressors And Cyolodialysis Spatula
Lens Scoops , Lens Expressors And Catara
Instruments for D.B Kirby
Double-Ended Instruments
Lachrymal Dilators and Probes
Calipers, Markers, Punches Chisel, Marketin
Exenteration Scoops And Chalazion Curette
Enucleation Scoops and Chalazion Curette
Barber Scissors
Hair Thinning Scissors
CNC Scissors
Cuticle Nail Nose Scissors
House Hold Scissors
Tweezers Color Coated
Cuticle Nippers
Nail Files
Nail Nippers
Professional toe Nail Cutters
Hair Shapers
Leather Kits
Nail Pedicure Cutters
Corn Cutters & Tip Cutters
Spetulas & Scalers
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Leather Kit
Article: BSD-2803
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Leather Kit
Article: BSD-2804
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Leather Kit
Article: BSD-2805
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Leather Kit
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Leather Kit
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Leather Kit
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Leather Kit
Article: BSD-2815
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Leather Kit
Article: BSD-2816
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Leather Kit
Article: BSD-2817
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Leather Kit
Article: BSD-2818
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Leather Kit
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Leather Kit
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Carrying forward the family tradition Rafique (Late) founded "Blink Surgident Instruments" in an early sixties, to manufacture |High Quality| Surgical, Dental Instruments and Scissors of all kinds, to win sizeable share of business arising from the world-wide growing needs of these lines.

Slowly but steadily Rafique established himself as a quality manufacturer and supplier, and a reliable business partner. Concurrent with the business growth all necessary machinery and advanced equipments were added to the facility to ensure the quality and need of this market.